The Possibility Of Difference | Teen Ink

The Possibility Of Difference

October 28, 2024
By Anonymous

Many people think making a difference is hard and no one can really do it, whether it be smiling at someone to filling up your family's car with gas to, helping your friend with their homework.

Every little interaction or gesture you say or do makes a difference. Kindness goes a long way in the world, even if you have been practicing and showing your kids when they are young what is wrong and what's right. Making a difference in the world can be tiny or big, like smiling at someone or holding the door open for them. It could also be helping someone pick up groceries that they might have spilled or help someone pay for something that they don't have quite enough money for. You never quite know what others are going through, so some help or a little gesture would brighten or better someone's day.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 29 at 7:50 am
zephyralastor, Chennai, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.” — Bernard Baruch

Thanks, I really needed that..however I am quite confused why this is in poetry

auroragrace said...
on Nov. 19 at 6:53 pm
auroragrace, Hastings, Minnesota
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we don't want to heal because the pain is the only thing linking us to what we lost". -JMstom

this is a great message!