Be Thankful | Teen Ink

Be Thankful

June 2, 2010
By Pearlcr BRONZE, Bhopal, Other
Pearlcr BRONZE, Bhopal, Other
1 article 0 photos 8 comments

Be thankful for everything you have,
Everything you own.
Be thankful for the sun,
Which helps you see the dawn.

The moon which shows you the path,
In the night.
The stars which twinkle
In the twilight.

Be thankful ,for the food,
You eat everyday.
The clothes you wear,
Which protect you night and day.

Be thankful for the lovely nature,
Surrounding you and me.
The trees,the clouds,the rain-
Whose beauty you see.

Be thankful,to the mother earth,
Which has nurtured you,since your birth.
Be thankful for your family,your friends,
Who save you from all turns and bends.

Be thankful!
Be thankful for all these things.
Which make up your life.
These small,small things
Help you to survive.

The author's comments:
these days we all have forgetten about everything around us ,we are taking everything 4 granted...its time 4 us 2 stop and look around!


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