innocence | Teen Ink


February 8, 2012
By M.E.Hayman BRONZE, Hayward, California
M.E.Hayman BRONZE, Hayward, California
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom in constellations -John Green

Happy as a little girl on Christmas day she fell to the end
Her innocence faded, as she fell in love
That love she so greatly felt was turning into hate
Hate that would never mend

How? How could the sky’s above curse her like she had done wrong
When all she did was sing a sad song
That no one but her own ears could hear
Her emotions would not steer clear of tears
Because that is all she knew

Once a happy child filled with innocence now just another corrupt soul
Her love after all was in a lull
And no one could penetrate her sadness
Because all they came across was madness
No soul, no heart, no shame that what was yet to come
Was her blame

Fragile and full of disgust she just thought and thought
Of when she could be free from lust
The love that held her down now flees the scene
Of the lonely teen

Crying because her innocence was taken
And hate would never be mistaken
For love again


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