Cemetery Sky | Teen Ink

Cemetery Sky

March 18, 2023
By Nix_Rosegold SILVER, Rochester, New York
Nix_Rosegold SILVER, Rochester, New York
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being weird is being different and being different is good!!!!

Why does your song grow faint?

Have your lungs grown weary?

So, it fades into silence nearly

As I alone enter the cemetery

My mind now alert and wary

I turn back and hear the song

Voice still whispered and calm

Now it dawns on a restless mind.

When I see a sight, one of a kind.

Oh, was it to tell me

To stop and see

The beautiful night unfolding before me?

Clouds looking like pieces of bone

You find before your fingers and toes

But scattered across

A fading blue sky

Jet streams overlap like a cross

One could get lost

In the carefully woven pattern

With the sky it's scattered in

Sometimes it pays to stop

And take in the beauty surrounding you

Gives you hope, the feeling of freedom too

The only thing you needed

Was when you came and heeded

The whisper of birdsong

That softly had come along.

The author's comments:

This poem hit me while I was running one day. It was later and the sunlight was fading. I heard a single bird singing as I jogged through a cemetery's paths. I slowed down and took in my surroundings. It was a mourning dove, I believe. I thought to myself, how well suited it seemed. 

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