Words as Weapons: The Wisdom of Age | Teen Ink

Words as Weapons: The Wisdom of Age

July 27, 2023
By Anonymous

If words are weapons then what is knowledge? 

What a confusing conundrum, how we throw lies and use power. 

We wield threats like swords and march with them like armies.

And if every word is a weapon, and every choice is an act of war, then what is knowledge to those who wield it?

Oh, knowledge and truth, twins in the game of enlightenment and devastation.

With wisdom and age comes knowledge and pain. And if the way we speak and act can affect the concept of freedom, then we are being entrusted with weapons.

So as we change with age, let the wisdom that truth bestows upon thee be used to defend against horrors of the world in store for us and not incite them.

To use wisdom is to walk into an arena with your head held high and ready, to fail to use wisdom is to wear a blindfold to fight to the death. 

The author's comments:

I like poetry... Especially pieces that convey important messages. I hope this is one of those

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