Daddy's Womb | Teen Ink

Daddy's Womb MAG

April 23, 2008
By Anonymous

i asked my father if i could swim,
and he said that i would drown.
The Sea would imprison me – he said
if my feet had left the ground.

So i walked out to the water,
and cried out – how ’bout now!
He said, a little bit further, Son,
and then you’ll leave the ground.

i stepped on sand then stone,
from hollow ground to sturdy.
The sky was at my level as I
gazed at the birdie.

The Sea brought me a new idea,
the urge to flee to the high.

i asked my Father if i could fly,
and he said, sure, Son – go try.

i jumped as high as i could.
Still, i landed on the ground.
i saw my Father pull on a chain,
then i knew that i was bound.

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This article has 2187 comments.

on Dec. 14 2009 at 1:12 pm
StevImagenary SILVER, Amarillo, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
One smile can bring joy to everyone you see.

Your an amazing writer! That was awsome!

vp3200 BRONZE said...
on Dec. 14 2009 at 8:15 am
vp3200 BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
How can i fail if i never try

this poem is very very good it reads as though you put lots of time and thought into it. Good job keep it up

on Dec. 14 2009 at 7:06 am
unicornlover BRONZE, Roslyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is a battlefield"

omg :) its amazing.

on Dec. 12 2009 at 8:00 pm
Littleabby18 SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
7 articles 1 photo 17 comments
pure, thoughfull. keep up the good work, its amazing!

on Dec. 11 2009 at 7:13 pm
lolsmileyface(= SILVER, Bronx, New York
7 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
be yourself and nobody else

l;oooooove this poem

im sorry can i ask but its bin like 3 mouths since i rote my poems and they havent bin aproved yet how long it took your poems to be approved

DAIMON said...
on Dec. 11 2009 at 5:59 pm
There has been Romeo and Juliet...Edward and Bella...I give Darian and Clara in...


Wisps of smoke danced into the wintry air from my lips, creating ornate designs that could never be replicated. I carefully tilted the corners of my lips into a smile that I meant to be wry. Of course, it's difficult to articulate emotions that I can't feel, but I find that irony is relatively simple to demonstrate. I inhaled the toxic vapors of the cigarette casually. Its sinister, black cancer couldn't cripple a seventeen-year-old boy with no lungs, let alone a heart.

I glanced in the direction of the horizon, and flinched. The sun was dying flamboyantly, casting its radiant colors across the sky. Its last waves of light caressed my cold, pale skin. I wanted to snarl rebelliously as I felt its warmth slide against me deviously.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

My muscles went rigid, and I had to focus madly on controlling my shaking hands. I would know that voice, that beautiful, disastrous voice, in the realms beyond that of Earth. I grated my teeth, reeling in the disturbing sensations that she unknowingly always aroused in me.

I cocked my body towards her arrogantly, and lifted my mouth into a crooked crescent moon. I felt my eyes flashing, but I worked vehemently to fixate an arctic, hard tone into the dark of my indigo irises.

“I find the sunset lifeless and meaningless, actually,” I countered flatly, and a beat too late.

She laughed merrily, and I struggled within myself as my mind and body became entranced by the beautiful movement of her laughter as the colors of the sun played about her.

“You amuse me, Darian. How can you have such a pessimistic view of the world? The sun will not be lifeless until it disappears beneath the horizon, and the night falls. It’ll rise tomorrow, though,” she said.

I dared not think of her name. I hated the way my soul-if I had a soul-thrilled when her voice lingered over my name. It reminded me of music. I had to close my mind defiantly as I thought of music. I wanted nothing that resembled passion.

“That’s an inane notion that foolish women entertain. You want poetry, and ridiculous vows of forever. You aren’t difficult to read. If you want that sunset to mean something, then you want unrequited love. It doesn’t work like that,” I growled unmercifully, angry at her for unleashing the flood of feelings upon me.

DAIMON said...
on Dec. 11 2009 at 5:57 pm
"RAZED EXPECTATIONS" It continues...

Her lovely green eyes shifted into hard emeralds.

“What do you know about me, Dare? And what’s so wrong with having dreams? And why are you talking to me like that? I was simply commenting on the sunset.” She tossed her red curls, clearly miffed.

I lifted my chin, and blew smoke in her face. It was easier on me when she was angry. I don’t know why she bothered with me. Why she was brave enough to confront me. Why she didn’t follow the laws of the superficial high school we both attended. Why she didn’t stay away from me, like everyone else.

“You’ll die from that smoking, Darian.” She glared at me. We’d had this argument a lot. I lifted my eyebrows, and turned away from her, signaling that the conversation was over.

She didn’t obey, and I sighed.

“You know, Dare, you could let yourself feel. You could understand it.” Her voice was soft, a whisper in the darkening air. She was air. My air.

I reviled the potency of the emotions I could feel pulsing through me. I ran a hand through my black hair nervously, my body skidding with strange, unfamiliar energy. I didn’t want to answer her. Why didn’t she leave?

I made a fatal mistake when I looked at her. Every nerve inside of me screamed, as though my body and internal organs were recharging hurriedly in the rare moment of my awakening.

I think I felt my heart beat hesitantly.

My voice seemed like that of a stranger. It had a rich, deep tone to it. It had color.

“Understand what?”

Something in my expression changed the way she was looking at me. It may have mirrored the arrangement of my own features. She became vulnerable in that instant.

“Kiss me.” She whispered brokenly.

Surprise jolted keenly through me. God, I wished I was numb again. Everything felt electric-too intense and too vivid. Emotions scattered across my being, a mutinous invasion of the raging war against myself. I was defenseless and an easy prey to her request. I breathed jaggedly, and there was a husky vibe to it. Want. I recognized it more clearly as it bloomed vibrantly through me.

And she was waiting. For me.

I destroyed the walls I had so warily built as I leaned towards her. She lifted a creamy hand and laid it tenderly against my cheek, the expectation making her bold. I moaned, and closed my eyes. My own hands loosened, and reached for her face greedily

Something hot-burning-ignited against my skin. I wrenched myself away, dazed by the unpleasant sensation. Had a spark traveled through our bodies? That’s when I noticed the cigarette kindling like a faint ember beside my marred hand. It had burnt me. The throbbing pain brought a wave of consciousness through me. Reality. And I stared at her face, inches from mine, and something clicked inside of me. Gears that began humming smoothly, like a tuned clock. I pulled back, and tossed her hand away like it stung. I grimaced as the vitals within me slowly resumed their state of nothingness, and shook my head to clear it of its nonsensical ideas.

She watched the change take possession of me, and tears began to collect in her eyes.

I found that I could care less.

I grinned at her, and mocked, “I taste of cigarettes, Clara.”

She got up shockingly to her feet, and backed away as if understanding for the first time what I was. Tears stained her nondescript face.

I smiled, that careful replication of a smile, and said acidly, “Did I humor your silly fantasies well?”

Her face crumpled entirely, and she pivoted away and ran sobbing from my scathing ridicule.

The sun died, and all was dark.

on Dec. 11 2009 at 11:43 am
shaquillle BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
i like your poem keep writing poems they are realy good.

Khris Reyes said...
on Dec. 11 2009 at 11:40 am
Khris Reyes, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Khris Reyes said...
on Dec. 11 2009 at 11:39 am
Khris Reyes, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

bnn hn hm hxd

Khris Reyes said...
on Dec. 11 2009 at 11:38 am
Khris Reyes, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
you're doining a great job keep it up and you will be as good as me

yolo95 said...
on Dec. 11 2009 at 11:36 am
yolo95, Boston, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
this is good keep up the good work

on Dec. 9 2009 at 1:16 pm
~Snickers~ BRONZE, Mayfield, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets

No words can discribe it. All i can say is Wow; and even that doesn't add to it

LaVonna SILVER said...
on Dec. 7 2009 at 12:28 pm
LaVonna SILVER, Owatonna, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"dont let education get in your way of learning" -my American Lit teacher

great message O_ keep up the good work!!

on Dec. 6 2009 at 7:20 pm
Marlene Conner BRONZE, Durango, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This poem really is amazing! I can totally relate! Great Job! I can't wait to hear more!!

ChloeA BRONZE said...
on Dec. 5 2009 at 11:37 pm
ChloeA BRONZE, Na, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Whatever the weather, always bring your own sunshine.&quot;<br /> Michael J&#039;Deangelo

One Word: "Talent" (:

on Dec. 5 2009 at 11:26 pm
RougeOlympian PLATINUM, Northbrook, Illinois
20 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence. <br /> -Benjamin Franklin

Your writing is inspiring. It birngs me places i idn't know i could go! Keep writing. THis piece is genius!!

EmelyJ GOLD said...
on Dec. 4 2009 at 5:59 pm
EmelyJ GOLD, Bronx, New York
10 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A mistake is not a mistake if you learn from it. If you learn from it, it&#039;s not a mistake, it&#039;s a lesson.&quot;

Wow! This is AMAZING! You should really consider a career with writing! Who knows:You could became the next Maya Angelou! LOL!

LilBenj SILVER said...
on Dec. 3 2009 at 10:44 pm
LilBenj SILVER, Richfield, Utah
6 articles 4 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is a certain providence in the fall of a sparrow. - Hamlet

This is really superb. Your comparison between the examples of freedom and the imagery of being captured was very - well, for lack of a better word - poetic. I felt like it reached out and stroked my cheek.

Sayummi said...
on Dec. 2 2009 at 5:33 pm
amazing writing......i love it!! keep writing ur very good