The Prada Plan | Teen Ink

The Prada Plan

January 25, 2019
By mariarivera SILVER, Sacramento, California
mariarivera SILVER, Sacramento, California
9 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Dont cry because its over. Smile because it happened" - Dr.Seuss

The Prada Plan is book one to this addicting series.Diasya takes you on her journey of her live throughout this book and all the twist will leave you wondering.

Disaya Morgan was a beautiful girl who got caught up in a unfortunate lifestyle.She lost her mother very young.She was murdered by a jealous woman who was in love with Disayas father.Her father was imprisoned for the murder.After losing her parents, Disaya was left in a foster home where she met a friend named Mona.They become extremely close because they are both being raped by the foster owners 16 year old son.The foster mother walks in and blames the two girls for the acts committed on them.They manage to get away by burning down the foster care center.After running running away they turn to the streets for comfort.They decide to become escorts and get involved with a man who pimps the out, tries to addict them to drugs, gives Mona HIV and eventually ends up killing her by pushing her out of a window.She meets Leah during all of this and clings to her after Mona is gone.But she also meets Indie,a drug dealer from New York who falls in love with Disaya.He sees her for her past.Disaya has known nothing but disappointment and hate all her life,but seeing how Indie treats her makes her realize she can be more than what she has become.

Disaya is the main character in the story.She is a beautiful girl with long pretty hair and green eyes.She suffered a great tragedy when she was younger which caused her to turn to the streets.She is very kind and sweet,although her lifestyle limits her ability to show weakness and compassion, she really just wants someone who loves her and sees the best in her.

Ashley Antoinette is a famous author that's known for her urban books.Her and her husband Jaquavis are the most popular married duo.She has co written over 40 novels. Several of her books have hit The New York Times bestsellers list. She's mostly known for her five book saga The Prada Plan.

The Prada Plan is a urban fiction genre. Urban fiction also known as street fiction.The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside of city living. Profanity, sex, and violence are usually explicit. Most authors of this genre draw upon their past experiences to depict their storyline.I recommend The Prada Plan series to anyone who can handle this type of reading or to anyone who has related to the street life.

Maria Rivera


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