B-2 Klapperich Book Review | Teen Ink

B-2 Klapperich Book Review

November 23, 2022
By littleguy23 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
littleguy23 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Redwall Book Review 

The novel Redwall, by Brian Jacques, can be found in the fantasy genre. Redwall is a fantasy world about woodland creatures. Matthias is a young mouse apprentice in Redwall Abbey, but he hates only doing chores, so he goes out searching for a life of adventure.  Matthias is trying to follow in Martin the Warrior's footsteps to protect Redwall Abbey. Clunny and his army of rats are trying to take over Redwall. Many battles happen between Matthis and Clunny in the fight for Redwall Abbey.  

I did not choose to read this book, but I thought it was still a good book. The vocabulary used was difficult to read because they were uncommon words used in today's world. I liked the vocabulary that was used even though it was hard to understand because it helps make a better mental picture in my head. I would recommend this book to middle school readers or older who like the fantasy genre.


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