Can You Keep a Secret? By Sophia Kinsella | Teen Ink

Can You Keep a Secret? By Sophia Kinsella

March 13, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sophia Kinsella definitely wrote another irresistible novel, Can You Keep a Secret? The book is about a girl named Emma Corrigan. Emma has so many secrets that she hat kept from everyone, even her mom.

Emma works at Panther Corporations which sells Panther Cola. Emma has to go to a meeting in another country, so she has to take a plane. She hates flying so she thinks they are all going to die. While on the plane, she sits by a handsome stranger, which she accidentally spills her secrets. She didn't think she would see him again until the Panther Corporations Elusive CEO comes to evaluate. Emma finds out the CEO is Jack Harper, the stranger on the plane that now knows every humiliating detail about her.

After the humiliating discovery of Jack Harper, Emma starts to like him. And what she doesn't know is he likes her too. If you love romance novels then this is the book for you.

I think this is a very good book. Can you keep a secret? is a book to entertain you and it definitely does. This book is one you will not want to put down. Can YOU keep a secret?


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