The Boxcar Children by Warner Chandler Gertrude | Teen Ink

The Boxcar Children by Warner Chandler Gertrude

April 10, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The name of the book I'm writing a critique on is The Boxcar Children. In fact, the series is also called The Boxcar Children. This is because it is the first book in this series. This whole series is written by Warner Chandler Gertrude. The first time I read a book from this series I enjoyed it; that's why I kept on reading all the books from this series and I'm almost done with all of them. My opinion on the kids in the book Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny is they can handle themselves alone without parents. Their surname is Alden while their grandfather's name id James Alden.

One exciting event is when event the four children go to the doctor's house and pick cherries from the cherry orchard. The doctor they go to is the person whom Henry works for in order to get money. However they the only people picking cherries, there are many others. People only come to pick cherries from the cherry orchard once a year. That day the work day for everyone that goes.

Every year many people come to pick cherries, especially this year, and this year was the first time the Alden's were there. The doctor told them that can take as many cherries as they want from the cherry orchard. Everyone there really worked hard that day. When Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny want to go to their boxcar (where they lived alone in the woods) the doctor gives them each a dollar for working so hard. He also gave them a basket of cherries. When they get home they are really tired. This scene is so interesting to me because the other scenes in the stories are just about Henry going to the doctor's house and the others cooking and exploring the woods.
I would recommend this book to others because it is very interesting. It was interesting because the other scenes in the book aren't that interesting. The reason why I continued reading those books from this series was because I like reading mysteries and this series has to do with the Alden's solving mysteries. Any person who reads these books especially this one will be stupefied because the Alden's are solving really difficult mysteries. Another opinion of mine is those kids, Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny, are very brave and precocious. When they grow up, they will be able to solve mysteries in real life.


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