50/50 | Teen Ink


August 14, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 50/50 is about a 27 year old named Adam Lerner. When Adam discovers that he's been diagnosed with cancer, he's entire world seems to be shook off its axis. To make it even more shocking, Adam doesn't drink or smoke and generally takes care of his body. He soon learns that he has a 50/50 chance of surviving, but he tries to remain calm and upbeat. However, when he tells his best friend and his mother, they don't take the news so well. Adam begins going to a therapist for advice and help, but the therapist is nothing like Adam ever imagined. She's 24, inexperienced, and they soon begin to have their relationship cross over from doctor to patient to something more. Meanwhile, Adam's relationship with his current girlfriend seems to not be doing that great. While all of this is going on, Adam must deal with the struggles of living with cancer and knowing that he could die from it. 
 The title of the movie is actually genius, because not only does Adam have a 50/50 percent chance of survival, but the movie is also 50% a drama and 50% a comedy. Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a good job portraying Adam, but nobody plays up to his/her role as well as Seth Rogen. Seth Rogen makes a movie about a guy having cancer hilarious, fun, and actually not that depressing. The movie doesn't fall into the category of being too cliché, and that's quite the accomplishment, since he has a terminal illness. The film is surprisingly well done and packs a lot of different emotions into the short hour and 40 minutes. The only real issue with the movie is that it isn't really inspiring, but the movie is enjoyable, emotional, and entertaining.

 The ending is decent and ends the movie nicely. Overall, 50/50 is actually a surprisingly good movie that won't stop amazing people. In fact, it received a high 94% rating from Rotten Tomatoes and received high scores across the board. So, for people who haven't yet seen this hidden gem, it's time to see an excellent drama and comedy combination. 

The author's comments:

50/50 is an excellent choice and deserves to receive more recognition. 


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