Nightmare Before Christmas | Teen Ink

Nightmare Before Christmas

October 25, 2007
By Anonymous

Nightmare Before Christmas Review

The Nightmare before Christmas is a wonderful holiday movie the whole family can enjoy. This movie was created by Tim Burton and was released in 1993. The plot revolves around the main character Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king. In a land of ghouls ghost and goblins he is the ruler of the pumpkin patch. When Jack stumbles out of his world of Halloween and into the world of “Santy Claws” he twists his Halloween theme to cause a Christmas that has no one holly or jolly. things really get out of hand when Santa falls into the hands of Oogie Boogie Jack’s nemesis, and his life is in the hands of a delirious Boogie man, a zombie who can’t keep her head from falling off, and a skeleton that thinks he’s santa.

I greatly enjoyed this movie it holds a good theme of friendship. To me it is a wonderful family classic that is timeless in its quality.It has adventure romance and a few twist and turns that keep the mind entertained. There are lessons to be learned and it offers a suitable family tail perfect for the holidays. Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite holiday movies and has been since childhood.


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