Twilight | Teen Ink


November 27, 2008
By AubsV SILVER, Lake City, Michigan
AubsV SILVER, Lake City, Michigan
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Romance, drama, supernatural, fast and furious, comedy; just about everything you could ever want in a movie, but never seems to be in one movie at the same time. I think it's time you are introduced to the Twilight saga.

It doesn't matter if you are the type who loves to be on the edge of your seat, the type who just loves the extremely over-protective romantic guy, or you're the person who loves vampires and werewolves. This movie has them all.

Twilight is based off of a book series from the amazing author Stephanie Meyer. If you have read the books, the movie has its similarities as well as its differences. However it works to make the movie beautiful.

The movie begins with Isabella, who insists on being called Bella, moving to Forks, Washington (which is a real life town) to live with her father. It becomes quickly obvious that the Cullen family is not normal. The movie follows Bella as she makes new friends, learns about the supernatural, and falls in love. During this whole thing she is also battling another guy being in love with her, and fighting just to stay alive.

Although everything seems to be against her, she keeps her faith and doesn't fear anything. Sure her dad is oblivious to the obvious, she doesn't see her mom because of the move, a bunch of guys hit on her and she feels bad for her new friends who like certain guys.

Twilight has such a huge mix of different cultural ideas and beliefs. The Quileute tribe brings forth ancient American Indian tales, while the Cullen family brings a sense of the past to the future. It's the perfect type of movie to fit anyone's wants for a movie. You won't be disappointed after seeing this movie. Just look at the box office results from the first weekend, a total of $69,637,740. If that doesn't mean that a lot of people want to see this movie I don't know what can.

The author's comments:
I have read all of the Twilight books, and was psyched to see the new movie. Once I saw it I knew that I had to write a review for it. I loved it so much. My favorite character was Jacob Black. Taylor Lautner is gorgeous.


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