Blink 182 | Teen Ink

Blink 182 MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   Although I respect most people's choices ofwhat music they listen to, there is a place where I draw the line. Ihave absolutely no respect whatsoever for sell-out punk. In case you'venever been enlightened, sell-out punk is personified by two bands: TheOffspring and Blink 182. Of these two, I detest Blink the most.

Ihave, regrettably, heard Blink's breakout CD, "Dude Ranch," aswell as the popular singles off their new record. With this experience,I can safely say they have the cumulative playing and songwriting talentof a pile of rocks. This may seem harsh, but I honestly think it's true.The songs I've heard sound almost exactly the same, and the lyrics aremeaningless and not particularly funny when they try to be. I'm notsaying that all other punk and ska bands are bursting at the seams withtalent, but at least their songs are, for the most part, musicallyinteresting and/or meaningful.

I'm sure some will contend thatBlink makes fun of pop music, but I disagree. It seems to me that theband - and, dare I say, its fans - recognize the absurdity of popculture but don't have the guts to reject it wholeheartedly. It is as ifall decent, valid jokes at pop's expense are immediately followed by theinevitable "just kidding!" I am offended by Blink's insistenceon referring to themselves as punk.

I'm pretty sure I didn'tdissuade any Blink fans from liking that horrid music, but I hope Istruck a chord with other punks out there. Real friends don't letfriends listen to Blink!


This article has 5 comments.

i love this so much!

on Jun. 4 2011 at 2:22 pm
TeamRadkeBabe BRONZE, Canton, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Thats a gross miss use of van'- Kelso

No way!! No, they may not be like, the best band to have ever walked the Earth....but they're deffinetly not as bad as you say they are!!

on Mar. 2 2010 at 4:49 pm
Hollywog. PLATINUM, Mole Creek, Other
21 articles 23 photos 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
It&#039;s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all..<br /> <br /> An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Ghandi

I agree totally with these last two comments.
While Blink 182 aren't my favourite band, I do listen to them, and enjoy them, and find that their lyrics are pretty damn amazing. They are raw and full of emotion, which is more then I can say for 99% of other songs these days.
Blink 182 are one of the mosy influential bands of the '90s and Noughties, which is sort of ironic if they really are 'meaningless' and 'horrid', don't you?
But.. all that aside, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

on Feb. 23 2010 at 10:12 am
I completely agree with raxen. it is completely insulting to say that Blink 182's lyrics hold no real meaning. whoever wrote this article obviously has never actually listened to their music. while it is true some of the songs are a bit childish, it makes them fun, and enjoyable. and what about their other songs? you know? the ones that mean stuff? if you question blink, just listen to "adam's song" or "i miss you" and you might reconsider. these two songs, among quite a few others, are very heart-felt and hold a lot of meaning. i don't mean to insult anyone, but if you can't even recognize that, then you're an idiot.

raxen said...
on Nov. 5 2009 at 4:21 pm
When was this written? Blink 182 having meaningless lyrics is the dumbest thing i've ever heard, especially when compared to the offspring.

It's hard to wake up

When the shades have been pulled shut

This house is haunted

It's so pathetic

It makes no sense at all.

I'm ripe with things to say

The words rot and fall away.

If a stupid poem could fix this home

I'd read it every day.

So here's your holiday

Hope you enjoy it this time

You gave it all away

It was mine

So when you're dead and gone

Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost.

It's not right

Their anger hurts my ears

Been running strong for seven years

Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them

It makes no sense at all

I see them every day

We get along so why can't they?

If this is what he wants and this is what

she wants

Then why is there so much pain?

So here's your holiday

Hope you enjoy it this time

You gave it all away

It was mine

So when you're dead and gone

Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost

It's not right

So here's your holiday

Hope you enjoy it this time

You gave it all away

It was mine

So when you're dead and gone

Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost

It's not right