Who I am, Inside. | Teen Ink

Who I am, Inside.

May 18, 2010
By infinitychaos BRONZE, Andrews, North Carolina
infinitychaos BRONZE, Andrews, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I've built a wall, not to keep anyone out, but to see who loves me enough to climb over it.

If rain falls down, How come I do not get wet?
If tears fall down my face, who would be the cause of them?
If I were to die, how would you feel?
If I were to cry, what would you do?
Life falls apart, but I know you're there to piece it back together.
Life gets harder and harder, but with you by my side, I know I'll be alright.
Confusion is something that happens often, but we all live with it.
I cry tears of fear, in thoughts that I might loose you.
I always end up doing something wrong.
My Imperfections make me human, that's all I am.
I'm a tiny insignificant human.
I live life to the fullest, no matter what stands in the way.
I may cry once in a while, but everyone must.
I may go into depression for a while, but that's who I am.
I try not to show it, but I'm scared.
Scared of losing the ones I love.
These tears I shed are because of you.
But their not sad tears. No. Their tears of happiness, of knowing I've got you by my side.
But what would happen if I lost you?
Simple. I would die.
Life without you is dull, lifeless, and not worth it.

Promise me I'll never lose you?
Promise me that everything will be okay.

On the outside you see me smile, you see that I'm happy.
But the truth is, I'm holding all the sadness, and confusion deep down in my heart.
I'm a happy girl, and I always try to be happy for the ones I love around me.
No matter what I'm feeling inside, I put it away and smile.
So I can make everyone else smile too.

I'll look you in the eyes, and smile as brightly as I can, no matter how I feel, and I'll try my best to make you happy, to make you smile.

That's just who I am.

The author's comments:
My boyfriend and I got in a fight, but eventually made up.That's mainly where i got the Inspiration for this.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 11 2010 at 1:17 am
Logann_x3 BRONZE, Dalton, New York
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is my creation, is my best friend, imagination, is my defense, and I'll keep walking, when skies are gray, whatever happens, was meant that way.

Pretty decent. Your one of the lucky people. I envy your relationship...