A Glimpse of Beauty | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of Beauty

March 17, 2015
By PoemsbyMary BRONZE, West Chester Township, Ohio
PoemsbyMary BRONZE, West Chester Township, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You were given this life because you are sthong enough to live it

I see a glimpse of beauty,
In everything you do.
I see a glimpse of beauty,
In all that is you.

The way you bounce,
Down the stairs.
The way act,
Like nobody cares.

There is a glimpse of beauty,
As you twirl and spin.
Lift your hands, to the sky,
As the melody begins.

I see it, yes I do,
In the very soul of you,
A small glimpse of beauty,
In everything that is you.

The author's comments:

There is a glimpse of beauty in her.

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